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The authors read with interest the letter from Tomas Kron to the Editor [ 1 ]. In his letter, Professor Kron provided commentary on the Topical Debate by Booth, Whitaker and Baldock [ 2 ] regarding the need for all accredited radiotherapy physicists to possess a PhD qualification in the future.
In his letter, Prof. Further, the provision of the research training and development, sometimes referred to as research education, is not always consistent, resulting in variation in the skills and experience gained from the PhD [ 4 ].
The doctoral examination process has for many years been recognised as having risks and uncertainties associated with it [ 3 ]. It is, however, often the experience of administering institutions of doctoral examinations that examiners do not always adhere to the criteria of the examination rubric provided and approach the examination process with their own biased interpretations and often subjective opinions as to what constitutes the appropriate doctoral standard.
Another important aspect of the non-standardisation of the PhD is in the variation of doctoral training and development that many candidates undertake to develop generic skills in addition to the doctoral project undertaken [ 67 ]. In some countries, the so-called master-apprentice model is standard in which candidates concentrate only on the thesis project as the product or output whilst working under a project supervisor [ 7 ], publish phd thesis springer.
In other countries, a more programmatic approach is adopted in which, in addition to the thesis project, the development of transferable skills that engender creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and innovation, are incorporated into doctoral programs which often administered through a university graduate research school [ 7 ].
Further, in some countries there is publish phd thesis springer hybrid approach with combinations of both master-apprentice and programmatic models adopted. The review published inand led by the Australian Council of Learned Academies ACOLAhighlighted the need for a shift to a more formalised approach in universities to embed transferrable skills training as part of doctoral research training and development undertaken so as to ensure that research training programs would be capable of producing highly skilled doctoral graduate scholars who would be best placed for employment opportunities in the future knowledge society [ 7 ].
The ACOLA review was informed by previous reviews such as the Roberts Review [ 8 ] undertaken in the United Kingdom UK that publish phd thesis springer in national government funding for the VITAE Researcher Development Program for doctoral training and development in UK universities [ 9 ]. Subsequently, publish phd thesis springer, a number of universities in other countries, including Australia, adopted the VITAE approach to guide and inform transferrable skills training development, which was endorsed by graduate research peak bodies such as the Australian Council of Graduate Research.
This raises an additional training and development consideration regarding the doctoral candidate undertaking a project in a clinical environment that may be somewhat remote or detached from the university of enrolment with a local supervisor also being somewhat detached from the university of enrolment.
This has the potential to negatively impact the enabling and expected experiences of the doctoral candidate and potentially the so-called standard of the resulting PhD. For professional bodies that oversee the accreditation and standardisation of radiotherapy physics professional training publish phd thesis springer as the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine ACPSEMit is important to have awareness of the potential differences in so-called doctoral standards.
Kron T PhDs: never boring, publish phd thesis springer, never dry. Phys Eng Sci Med Article Google Scholar. Booth J, Whittaker M, Baldock C In the future all accredited publish phd thesis springer physicists should have a PhD. Phys Eng Sci Med — Morley L Interrogating doctoral assessment.
Int J Edu Res — Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies. Accessed 3 Sept Kiley M, Mullins G Examining the examiners: how inexperienced examiners approach the assessment of research theses. Int J Educ Res — Hasgall A, Saenen B, Borrell-Damian L et al Doctoral education in Europe today: approaches and institutional structures.
European University Association, publish phd thesis springer. Shin JC, Kehm BM, Jones GA The increasing importance, growth, and evolution of doctoral education. In: Shin JC, Kehm BM, Jones GA eds Doctoral education for the knowledge society: 5 Knowledge Studies in Higher Education.
Springer, Berlin. Chapter Google Scholar. Vitae Introducing the researcher development framework. Vitae Careers Research Advisory Centre Limited. Download references. Graduate Research School, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW,Australia. Graduate Research School, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW,Australia. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Clive Baldock. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Reprints and Permissions. Baldock, C. Is the PhD a qualification that is more or less standardised and accepted all over the world?.
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Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Is the PhD a qualification that is more or less standardised and accepted all over the world? Download PDF. References 1. Phys Eng Sci Med Article Google Scholar 2.
Phys Eng Sci Med — Article Google Scholar 3. Int J Edu Res —97 Article Google Scholar 4. Accessed 3 Sept 5. Int J Educ Res — Article Google Scholar 6. Accessed 3 Sept 7.
Springer, Berlin Chapter Google Scholar 8. Accessed 3 Sept publish phd thesis springer. Accessed 3 Sept Download references. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr, publish phd thesis springer. Robin Hill for useful discussions. Author information Affiliations Graduate Research School, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW,Australia Clive Baldock Graduate Research School, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW,Australia Honglin Chen Authors Clive Baldock View author publications.
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