Saturday, November 27, 2021

Phd thesis urban design

Phd thesis urban design

phd thesis urban design

May 01,  · The purpose of this research is to improve the understanding of what constitutes a successful thesis proposal (TP) and as such enhance the quality of the TP writing in architecture, planning and related disciplines.,Based on extended personal experience and a review of relevant literature, the authors proposed a conception of a successful TP comprising 13 standard Mahmoud Abdellatif, Reham Abdellatif neighborhoods. This thesis situates the High Line within theories of urban development and design that consider the historical and contemporary debates concerning the varying levels and value of publicness and democracy of urban space as well as how and why nature is incorporated into cities The Ph.D. in Urban Planning is a program within the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) while the actual degree is granted by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS). A Ph.D. in Urban Planning Information Session was held on October 1, please scroll down to view the full recording


The purpose of this research is to improve the understanding of what constitutes a successful thesis proposal TP and as such enhance the quality of the TP writing in architecture, planning and related disciplines. Based on extended personal experience and a review of relevant literature, the authors proposed a conception of a successful TP comprising 13 standard components, phd thesis urban design.

The conception was applied for 15 years on several batches of Saudi graduate students. The implications of the conception were assessed by a students' opinion survey. An expert inquiry of phd thesis urban design academics from architectural schools in nine countries was applied to validate and improve the conception.

Assessment of the proposed conception demonstrated several positive implications on students' knowledge, performance and outputs which illustrates its applicability in real life.

Experts' validation of the conception and constructive remarks have enabled further improvements on the definitions, attributes and success rules of the TP components. The proposed TP conception with its 13 components is limited to standard problem-solving research and will differ in the case of other types such as hypothesis-based research.

The proposed conception is a useful directive and evaluative tool for writing and assessing thesis proposals for graduate students, academic advisors and examiners. The research contributes to improving the quality of thesis production process among the academic community in the built environment fields. The paper is meant to alleviate the confusion and hardship caused by the absence of a consensus on what constitutes a successful TP in the fields of architecture, urban planning and related disciplines.

Abdellatif, M. and Abdellatif, R. Copyright ©Mahmoud Abdellatif and Reham Abdellatif. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.

Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article for both commercial and non-commercial purposessubject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The department then sends the submitted TP to higher bodies for official approval.

In addition, phd thesis urban design, the proposal includes a brief about research significance and expected contributions; a preliminary review of literature; thesis structure and approximate completion timeline; and a list of relevant references Kivunja, ; Thomas, ; Kornuta and Germaine, After decades of writing, supervising and refereeing master and doctoral theses in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning, phd thesis urban design, the authors noticed that TP's differ in format and content from a school to another.

This may be considered a healthy matter because it gives room for flexibility that absorbs the variety of research problems and techniques. Yet, the absence of a consensus on what constitutes a successful TP could cause confusion and hardship to both students and advisors Kamler and Thomson, ; Abdulai and Owusu-Ansah, The review of literature indicates that TP writing has been tackled in depth in many fields see for instance Gonzalez, ; Balakumar et al. Apart from thesis proposal instruction and guideline manuals posted on universities' websites, the authors believe that there is a lack of in-depth research on the issue of producing successful thesis proposals in the fields of Architecture and Planning.

Therefore, the aim of this phd thesis urban design is to improve the understanding of what constitutes a successful thesis proposal and as such enhance the quality of the TP writing in architecture and planning and related disciplines, phd thesis urban design. To achieve such an aim, the paper has the following procedural objectives: To propose a successful TP conception which determines the standard components of TP and sets specific definitions, attributes and rules of success for each component.

To apply the proposed conception on several batches of graduate students, then assess its impact on students' performance and output along the years of application. To validate the proposed conception by getting the insights of experienced academics from architecture and planning schools worldwide, and phd thesis urban design such, phd thesis urban design, improve and phd thesis urban design the conception.

From tophd thesis urban design conception was proposed and included in an unpublished textbook Abdellatif and Abdellatif, From tothe conception has been applied on several batches of graduate students in the College of Architecture and Planning, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University IAUDammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA.

In Februarythe impacts of the conception on students' performances and outputs were assessed by students' survey, phd thesis urban design. From November through Marchthe conception was validated by an experts' inquiry of worldwide academics; then it was improved and finalized. To propose the Successful TP Conceptionthe authors relied on two sources: knowledge extracted from their extended experience and a review of relevant studies and instruction manuals and guidelines for preparing TP in several worldwide universities.

The Conception has been applied on several batches of master and doctoral students from IAU, KSA for almost 15 years between and during their enrolment in three courses in the College of Architecture and Planning, IAU, KSA.

The survey used a five-point Likert scale to assess the impact of applying the rules of Successful TP Conception taught to students on their performances and outputs; that is, how the conception helped the students: - Improve their understanding of the components of a successful TP. To validate and improve the conceptionthe authors used an expert inquiry to get the insights of a selected sample of academics experienced in supervising master and doctoral theses in worldwide architecture and planning schools.

The survey included two parts: The first part recorded the general characteristics of respondents. The second inquired about experts' viewpoints on the definitions, attributes and the rules of success of the components of the proposed TP conception. A review of thesis writing guidelines posted on universities' websites and other related literature has indicated that the number of components of a masters' or doctoral thesis proposal varies.

After a thorough review of related literature and with their experience, the authors have been convinced that, in its standard form, a TP should include 13 components. Chronically arranged, as appearing in the proposal, they are: title page, abstract, keywords, background, statement of the problem, research questions, research aim and objectives, research scope, research significance and contributions, preliminary review of literature, research methodology, thesis structure and timeline, and references list Ostler, ; Simpson and Turner, ; Zhou, ; Davies, ; Axelrod and Windell, ; Donohue, ; Glatthorn and Randy, ; Kornuta and Germaine, This paper is phd thesis urban design only to the standard problem-solving research type.

To propose the Successful TP Conception, the authors applied three steps on each of the 13 components: Setting a general definition for each component including its meaning, importance, functions and contents, phd thesis urban design. Outlining the most important attributes that must be considered when writing phd thesis urban design component.

This is the first item that appears to the reader. The research title is positioned in the title page along with several basic data, phd thesis urban design, namely, the title; the names of the Department, College, University, study programme, researcher and advisory committee; and submission date. The research title should be useful, discussing an issue critical to society; true, conveying a real message about the investigated problem Donohue, ; concise, presenting the message with the minimum number of words; adequate, using the right wording to explain the intended meaning; and attractivestimulating the reader's attention.

Iterations in refining the research title go hand-in-hand with refining the research question Groat and Wang, It is the first item that appears in the TP after the title and of the same significance; yet, it is the last to be written Kornuta and Germaine, phd thesis urban design It has a marketing function Lamanauskas, ; it calls the reader in or alienates him out.

A comprehensive abstract contains a summary of the problem, phd thesis urban design, aim, scope, phd thesis urban design, methodology, importance, contributions and outline Koopman, The Abstract should be concise or brief with a maximum of — words; adequate, including profiles of all parts of the proposal; clear, expressing its message without ambiguity; and interrelated, serving as a body of sequential, coherent and connected ideas Blaxter et al.

These are a set of words or terms used for archiving, tabulation and electronic search on databases. They are better written by splitting the title into its separate single words or terms which must be found in the abstract, as well Mack, Keywords should be brief, not more than 8—12 words; adequate, conveying the research theme, scope, aim and approach; exact, focusing on the investigated topic and scope; and standard, using scientific terminology used in the field.

This is a gradual preparation of the reader from the larger scientific field to the specific field, from the wider geographic area to the immediate area, and from the larger timeframe to the immediate one, phd thesis urban design. It starts from the strategic level and general scope of the research and gradually reaches the level closer to the examined problem Abdellatif and Abdellatif, It places the study within the larger context of the research, creates interest to the reader and catches his attention, phd thesis urban design includes quotations and statistics leading the reader to proceed Babbie, The background statement should be striking, drawing the reader's attention to the research; brief, not lengthy; gradual, moving from the general level surrounding the investigated issue to the specific level; and careful, not speeding phd thesis urban design in disclosing the study problem, aim or methodology to the reader Axelrod and Windell, ; Pautasso, It stimulates interest in the study; scientifically explained to convey a simple, clear and specific issue to which a reader can relate and is useful to the society at large Balakumar et al.

In the humanities and social sciences many dissertations endeavour to establish the conditions of the problem, not to solve it Dorst, All what comes next depends on the clarity of the problem statement.

Research problems in architecture and related disciplines may be classified under different frames of references Salama, : Technically oriented research TORwhich places emphasis on the process and procedures as the primary basis of effective design, TOR can be either systematic, or computational, or managerial. Conceptually driven research CDRwhich can be either psychological or person—environment. The psychological type is driven by the goal of matching knowledge with the nature of the design problem, its components, context and social and environmental requirements.

Whereas, the person—environment type places emphasis on the socio-cultural and socio-behavioural factors as they relate to the design process itself and to settings, buildings and urban environments.

The general problem of the study should be brief, comprised from one to two sentences; clear, using straightforward words with simple meaning that cannot be confused; specific, focusing on the main cause of the study problem Kornuta and Germaine, ; and outlining, highlighting the general problem without elaborating on sub-problems. Identifying sub-problems will ensure focusing during the investigation on important factors causing the general problem.

It is useful when tracing sub-problems to apply the following steps Abdellatif, : Classify the investigated situation to branched dimensions, e. demographic, phd thesis urban design, planning, regulatory, phd thesis urban design, economic, social, environmental, phd thesis urban design, etc.

Clarify the problem more by identifying the consequences or adverse effects the symptoms of the problem that resulted from those causes. This helps isolate the causes from the consequences to focus on treating the causes not the consequences. Using temporary painkillers will not eliminate the disease; it only tranquilizes the symptoms. The research sub-problems should be focused, where each sub-problem concentrates on one independent side of the general problem; articulate, non-compositing and non-overlapping with other sub-problems; rooted, phd thesis urban design, relating to one of the roots of the general problem; deep, addressing the cause not the symptom of the problem; and comprehended, easy to perceive, determine and describe Groat and Wang, The statement of consequences of the problem should be focused, where each consequence focuses on one independent sub-problem; articulate, not overlapping with other consequences; rooted, relating to one of the roots of the general problems; deep, providing description for specific symptom; and comprehended, could be perceived, described and determined Abdellatif, These are a set of questions the research tries to answer.

Each question usually covers one of the research sub-problems. As indicated by Grix and Groat and Wangresearch questions simplify the problem and provide insight for articulating the aim and objectives and setting the proper methods to achieve them. What are the appropriate links between different variables of the study causes, consequences, etc. according to the information gathered from the theoretical review and field surveys? Research questions should be specific, each question addresses one sub-problem; unduplicated, phd thesis urban design, each question does not repeat itself in a different format; sequential, or arranged according to their importance and order; and interrelated, where each question relates to other questions.

It is advisable to define the general aim of the study first then define two kinds of objectives: procedural and developmental objectives. It is directed to find an appropriate and effective solution to the general research problem Donohue, The aim should be properly stated to ensure the success of all the following stages of the scientific research process.

They provide a roadmap and illustrate important stages leading to sequential targets towards achieving the general aim. They are articulated sub-goals that in their totality compose the main research aim Abdulai and Owusu-Ansah, Procedural objectives of a typical research include conducting the following tasks Abdellatif and Abdellatif, : Exploring the problem by defining the research problem, formulating aim and objectives, designing the methodology, defining the scope, and highlighting the expected contributions.

Collecting secondary data by defining basic concepts and terms, reviewing relevant literature and previous studies, and describing the most important characteristics of the investigated environment from secondary sources and statistical reports. Phd thesis urban design primary data via direct field surveys and based on the views of concerned population, experts and officials to describe the characteristics of the investigated development problem.

Analysing the gathered data by using theoretical and phd thesis urban design data to determine the appropriate links among different variables of the study e. causes, consequences, etc. Synthesizing the gathered data by integrating the findings of analysis to build appropriate approaches or solutions to deal with the general problem. Extracting conclusions and writing recommendations to highlight research findings and make them more useful and effective.

Procedural objectivesin addition to being SMARTthey should be focused, where each objective focuses on a phase of achieving the overall goal; non-overlapping, where every objective does not exceed a defined limit; and sequential, chronologically arranged as specified in the timeline.

Well-defined development objectives help focus on solving the phd thesis urban design problems only. a specific quantitative or qualitative problem that hinders phd thesis urban design development of a sector of society, environment, or eco-system.

A macro level objective contributes to realizing a higher goal e. improving the overall quality of life of a larger community, upgrading the quality of the larger environment, etc. Development objectives should apply the SMART goal rule previously phd thesis urban design ; and be non-overlapping by ensuring that each objective is focused and not conflicting with other objectives, phd thesis urban design.

PhD in Urban Development and Governance at IHS

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Successful thesis proposals in architecture and urban planning | Emerald Insight

phd thesis urban design

I choose to Urban Design Phd Thesis learn from the best. When it comes to learning how to write better, is that company. Urban Design Phd Thesis The writers there are skillful, humble, passionate, teaching and tutoring from personal experience, and exited to show you the way. What they teach you will help you improve your grades/10() Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Studies and Planning. The PhD is the advanced research degree in urban planning or urban studies and is focused on training individuals for research and teaching in the areas of applied social research and planning. The program emphasizes the development of fundamental research competence, flexibility in the design of special area of study, and encouragement of joint neighborhoods. This thesis situates the High Line within theories of urban development and design that consider the historical and contemporary debates concerning the varying levels and value of publicness and democracy of urban space as well as how and why nature is incorporated into cities

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