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A short summary of this paper. The SGEM consortium is managed by Cleen Ltd. Main funding partners for the SGEM program is Tekes, master thesis scada. This study is a part of the Task 6. The study has been prepared at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Vaasa with the assistance of my supervisor professor and dean of Faculty of Technology Erkki Antila master thesis scada well as my instructor professor Kimmo Kauhaniemi.
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The key elements are defined by studying the development of essential systems in LV distribution networks as well as by studying the development of the net- works by way of evolution phases. The key elements and the main characteristics of the integration to DA are illustrated by a certain model of a LV distribution network under its development. For a start DA is reviewed by generally used functions and by technologies. The review includes the data and the information systems and in addition the communication net- works are studied generally.
Thereafter the main elements master thesis scada LV distribution networks are presented and their evolution visions are introduced. The main elements comprises of the distribution network, distributed generation, smart energy metering, electric vehi- cles and energy storages. The approach to the integration is the evolution of LV distribution networks, so four main evolution phases are introduced; traditional, boom of distributed generation, mi- crogrid and intelligent microgrid.
The evolution phases bases on general research publi- cations and visions of Smart Grids. Management architectures for the networks are pre- sented. Also requirements for communication are evaluated by master thesis scada the number of nodes, capacity requirements for transferred data types and fault and event frequencies.
In order to define a proposal for integrating LV distribution networks to DA, the man- agement architectures and the studied requirements are compared to produce functions for DA. As a result, the proposal is presented based on the studied architectures and re- quirements. In addition considerable issues are introduced relating to the functions in devices or sub-systems, which are needed for DA applications. This thesis indicates the need for further studies, such as: Which are the desired DA functions to be extended to LV distribution networks?
Which device or system should offer the desired functions? How well the potential protocols using some media type serves the functions? Nämä avainasiat määritellään tutkimalla pj-jakeluverkoissa olevia järjestelmiä ja niiden kehit- tymistä sekä verkkojen evoluutiota kehitysvaiheittain, master thesis scada. Integroinnin keskeiset tekijät ja niiden tärkeimmät ominaisuudet esitetään pj-jakeluverkkomallin avulla.
Sähkönjakeluautomaatioon sisältyvät päätoiminnot on esitelty aluksi. Lisäksi toimintoi- hin käytetyt tekniikat, tieto- ja informaatiojärjestelmät sekä tietoliikenneverkot siihen liittyvineen järjestelmineen on kuvattu yleisellä tasolla.
Seuraavaksi pj-jakeluverkkojen peruselementit sekä niiden kehitysvisiot on esitetty. Peruselementit ovat jakeluverkko, hajautettu tuotanto, älykäs energian mittaus, sähköautot ja energiavarastot, master thesis scada. Pienjännitejakeluverkkojen kehittymistä kohti älykästä sähköverkkoa tutkittiin tässä työssä neljän kehitysvaiheen avulla, jotka pohjautuvat tutkimusraportteihin ja yleisiin visioihin älykkäistä sähköverkoista.
Kehitysvaiheet ovat perinteinen traditionalhajau- tetun energiantuotannon voimakas kasvu boom of the distributed generationmikro- verkko microgrid ja älykäs mikroverkko intelligent microgrid, master thesis scada. Lisäksi arkkitehtuure- ja on esitetty verkon hallintaa varten, ja tämän perusteella tiedonsiirrolle asetettavia vaa- timuksia arvioitiin kaupunki- taajama- ja haja-asutusalueella.
Vaatimuksia tiedonsiir- rolle asettaa fyysisten rajapintojen lukumäärä, siirrettävän tiedon kapasiteettivaatimuk- set sekä vika- ja tapahtumataajuudet. Ottaen huomioon tarvittavat toiminnot sähkönjakeluautomaatiossa, lopputuloksena eh- dotetaan tutkittua arkkitehtuuria sovellettavan pj-jakeluverkkojen hallitsemiseen ja pj- jakelujärjestelmien integroimiseen sähkönjakeluautomaatioon.
Lisäksi esitetään selvitet- täviä asioita, joita ovat esimerkiksi: Mitkä ovat toiminnot, jotka todella halutaan pj- jakeluverkosta käytettävän ylemmän tason jakeluautomaation sovelluksissa verkkojen eri kehitysvaiheissa? Mikä laite tai järjestelmä olisi siihen sopivin? Mitkä ovat toteutta- miskelpoiset protokollat käyttäen järkevää tiedonsiirtoyhteyttä, master thesis scada, jotka pystyisivät vas- taamaan haluttuihin toimintoihin? At present the global energy system is mainly based on master thesis scada energy re- sources, which causes environmental impacts in power production.
In addition power distribution is hierarchical from centralized generation to end customers, so electrical power is transferred from a distance and voltage is transformed several times to suitable levels before consumption points, master thesis scada, causing losses of energy, master thesis scada. Intelligent electricity distri- bution networks are one of the main conditions for reducing carbon dioxide CO2 emis- sions by utilizing local renewable energy resources to increase efficiency in energy dis- tribution.
The European Union EU set demanding climate and energy targets to be met byknown as the "" targets, which became law in June The energy strategy is ambitious for year and intend- ed to be continued beyond to reduce emissions strongly, master thesis scada. The Energy Roadmap highlights energy efficiency and the penetration of RES as having significant roles in future scenarios, because investments made today have a great impact on achieving feasible energy prices in future.
Power outages and condition of electricity distribution networks have been highlighted in recent years in context to storms. Electricity distribution companies are obligated to compensate to the customers the outage time caused by, for example, large thunder- storms. In addition, master thesis scada, penalties for non-delivered energy are regulated in Finland to affect allowed incomes and profit for the companies.
On the other hand the regulations have incentives for power quality improvement permitting higher profit by lower outage costs. Distribution networks in Finland are aging and therefore reinvestments become topical.
Upgraded dis- tribution networks should secure safe and reliable distribution of electricity, energy sav- ings and efficient use of energy as well as advanced energy master thesis scada. Smart Grids are an essential concept which is introduced being to respond to future needs.
Smart Grids are described as an active intelligent electricity network where different actors are inter- linked with two-way communications; for example new functions and functionalities for consumers and energy suppliers, master thesis scada, like real time control of energy are achieved by smart energy metering and monitoring systems.
Innovative products and services together with intelligent monitoring, control, communication, and self- healing technologies are exploited master thesis scada SmartGrids. DA is utilized for improving network performance and reliability in normal operation and in fault situations. Functions to be applied in normal operation are, for example, load flow and fault calculations, voltage and reactive power control and loss minimization.
In fault situations the most profitable action is to applied outage management and feeder automation by making the fault location and supply restoration effectively. DA system is composed mainly of a network control system or SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitiona substation automation system and a voltage regulating system, master thesis scada.
At present the increasing number of automated meter reading infrastructure AMI and monitoring devices in secondary substations gives a chance to extend controllability and automation down to low voltage LV distribution networks, master thesis scada. In future the management of LV networks will become challenging, because of the penetration of distributed gen- eration, the increase of electric vehicles EVs and the requirements for demand re- sponse DR.
In order for LV distribution networks to interact with existing DA sys- tems, like with distribution management system DMScommunications between dif- ferent systems have to be established and developed as well as the equipment involved. Local intelligence like adaptive protection devices as well as possibilities for real time communication are under pressure to evolve alongside them, master thesis scada.
The development of LV distribution networks towards active distribution networks or Smart Grids is introduced with two concepts, which are microgrids and virtual power plants VPPs. water heaters and air conditioning. They have a total installed capacity in the range of between a few hundred kilowatts and a couple of megawatts.
The unique feature of microgrids is that, although they operate mostly connected to the distribu- tion network, they can be automatically transferred to islanded mode, master thesis scada, in case of faults in the up- stream network and can be resynchronised after master thesis scada of the upstream network voltage. Within the main grid, a microgrid can be regarded as a controlled entity which can be operated as a single aggregated load or generator and, given attractive remuneration, as a master thesis scada source of power or as ancillary services supporting the network.
Power is purchased and delivered to agreed points or nodes. Its source, whether a conventional generator, RES or from energy storage master thesis scada determined by the supplier.
The system is enabled by modern information technology, master thesis scada, advanced power electronic components and efficient storage. The aim of this thesis is to define and study the key elements and the main characteris- master thesis scada of the integration of the low master thesis scada distribution systems to distribution automation DA.
Therefore the key elements of essential systems in LV distribution networks as well as the evolution of LV distribution networks should be studied. The evolution of traditional LV distribution networks towards intelligent distribution networks or microgrids can be considered by way of the increment of modern function- alities in the LV distribution network management, which are enabled by enhanced main elements. Microgrids are a successful concept for an active network aiming to self-sufficiency in energy and to independent operations in normal and fault situations.
The development of the main elements is significantly related to the distribution grid, distributed generation DGsmart metering or automated meter reading AMREVs and energy storages ESs and suitable communications. In this thesis four evolution phases are introduced with related functionalities for LV distribution networks develop- ing towards intelligent microgrids. Different stages of evolution in LV distribution networks bear specific functionalities which bring differences to the requirements of communication systems and intelligence of devices.
In order to obtain desired functionalities by remote control and operation of devices and systems, the requirements for communications are outlined. Master thesis scada study highlights wire- less master thesis scada, because it is well desired to be exploited for systems in LV distri- bution, especially in public wireless networks like global system for mobile communi- cations GSM.
The feasibility study for data transfer is made by comparing characteris- tics speed, data amount etc. with the requirements based on the defined operational functionalities of LV distribution network in the evolution phases in the areas of differ- ent LV distribution networks.
The defined evolution phases in this thesis can be utilized as a draft which guides the designer to pick up different operational requirements for various sub systems of LV distribution network under its development. The defined requirements for communica- tion in each evolution phase can be utilized, for example, to the development of a spe- cific LV distribution network for ensuring the ability to perform the main functions in- terlinked with DA and for taking into consideration the master thesis scada functionalities of mi- crogrids.
What are the Differences between DCS and SCADA?
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