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Industrial revolution essay topics

Industrial revolution essay topics

industrial revolution essay topics

Nov 22,  · Easy informative essay topics soal essay bahasa inggris smk kelas Essay about bhagat singh in telugu essay on my school with introduction and conclusion. A road accident small essay. What is the discursive essay an revolution industrial essay to foeticide definition essay write How about female & essays about tennis The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Britain, continental Europe and the United States, in the period from about to sometime between and This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, the increasing use of steam power and water power, the development of The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, was a phase of rapid standardization and industrialization from the late 19th century into the early 20th century. The First Industrial Revolution, which ended in the middle of the 19th century, was punctuated by a slowdown in important inventions before the Second Industrial Revolution in

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The Second Industrial Revolutionalso known as the Technological Revolutionindustrial revolution essay topics, [1] was a phase of rapid standardization and industrialization from the late 19th century into the early 20th century. The First Industrial Revolutionwhich industrial revolution essay topics in the middle of the 19th century, was punctuated by a slowdown in important inventions before the Second Industrial Revolution in Though a industrial revolution essay topics of its events can be traced to earlier innovations in manufacturing, such as the establishment of a machine tool industry, the development of methods for manufacturing interchangeable partsand the invention of the Bessemer process to produce steel, the Second Industrial Revolution industrial revolution essay topics generally dated between and the beginning industrial revolution essay topics World War I.

Advancements in manufacturing and production technology enabled the widespread adoption of technological systems such as telegraph and railroad networks, gas and industrial revolution essay topics supplyindustrial revolution essay topics, and sewage systemswhich had earlier been concentrated to a few select cities. The enormous expansion of rail and telegraph lines after allowed unprecedented movement of people and ideas, which culminated in a new wave of globalization.

In the same time period, new technological systems were introduced, most significantly electrical power and telephones. The Second Industrial Revolution continued into the 20th century with early factory electrification and the production lineand ended at the beginning of World War I.

The Second Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrial development, primarily in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States, but also in. France, the Low CountriesItaly and Japan. It followed on from the First Industrial Revolution that began in Britain in the late 18th century that then spread throughout Western Europe. While the First Revolution was driven by limited use of steam enginesinterchangeable parts and mass productionand was largely water-powered especially in the United Statesthe Second was characterized by the build-out of railroads, large-scale iron and steel production, widespread use of machinery in manufacturing, greatly increased use of steam power, widespread use of the telegraphuse of petroleum and the industrial revolution essay topics of electrification.

It also was the period during which modern organizational methods for operating large scale businesses over vast areas came into use.

The concept was introduced by Patrick GeddesCities in Evolutionand was being used by economists such as Erich Zimmermann[3] but David Landes ' use of the term in a essay and in The Unbound Prometheus standardized scholarly definitions of the term, which was most intensely promoted by Alfred Chandler — However, some continue to express reservations about its use.

Landes stresses the importance of new technologies, especially, the internal combustion enginepetroleum, new materials and substances, including alloys and chemicalselectricity and communication technologies such as the telegraphtelephone and radio.

Vaclav Smil called the period — "The Age of Synergy " during which most of the great innovations were developed since the inventions and innovations were engineering and science-based, industrial revolution essay topics. A synergy between iron and steel, railroads and coal developed at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution. Railroads allowed cheap transportation of materials and products, industrial revolution essay topics, which in industrial revolution essay topics led to cheap rails to build more roads.

Railroads also benefited from cheap coal for their steam locomotives. This synergy led to the laying of 75, miles of track in the U, industrial revolution essay topics. in the s, the largest amount anywhere in world history. The hot blast technique, in which the hot flue gas from a blast furnace is used to preheat combustion air blown into a blast furnaceindustrial revolution essay topics, was invented and patented by James Beaumont Neilson in at Wilsontown Ironworks in Scotland.

Hot blast was the single most important advance in fuel efficiency of the blast furnace as it greatly reduced the fuel consumption for making pig iron, and was one of the most important technologies developed during the Industrial Revolution. The early technique of hot blast used iron for the regenerative heating medium.

Iron caused problems with expansion and contraction, which stressed the iron and caused failure. Edward Alfred Cowper developed the Cowper stove in The Cowper stove was also capable of producing high heat, which resulted in very high throughput of blast furnaces. The Cowper stove is still used in today's blast furnaces. With the greatly reduced cost of producing pig iron with coke using hot blast, demand grew dramatically and so did the size of blast furnaces.

The Bessemer processinvented by Sir Henry Bessemerallowed the mass-production of steel, increasing the scale and speed of production of this vital material, and decreasing the labor requirements. The key principle was the removal of excess carbon and other impurities from pig iron by oxidation with air blown through the molten iron.

The oxidation also raises the temperature of the iron mass and keeps it molten. The "acid" Bessemer process had a serious limitation in that it required relatively scarce hematite ore [11] which is low in phosphorus. Sidney Gilchrist Thomas developed a more sophisticated process to eliminate the phosphorus from iron. in Yorkshire was the first company to use his patented process. In America, although non-phosphoric iron largely predominated, an immense interest was taken in the invention, industrial revolution essay topics.

The next great advance in steel making was the Siemens—Martin process. The furnace operated at a high temperature by using regenerative preheating of fuel and air for combustion. Through this method, an open-hearth furnace can reach temperatures high enough to melt steel, but Siemens did not initially use it in that manner. French engineer Pierre-Émile Martin was the first to take out a license for the Siemens furnace and apply it to the production of steel in The Siemens—Martin process complemented rather industrial revolution essay topics replaced the Bessemer process.

Its main advantages were that it did not expose the steel to excessive nitrogen which would cause industrial revolution essay topics steel to become brittleit was easier to control, and that it permitted the melting and refining of large amounts of scrap steel, lowering steel production costs and recycling an otherwise troublesome waste material.

It became the leading steel making process by the early 20th century. The availability of cheap steel allowed building larger bridges, railroads, skyscrapers, and ships.

With large amounts of steel it became possible to build much more powerful guns and carriages, tanks, armored fighting vehicles and naval ships.

The increase in steel production from the s meant that railways could finally be made from steel at a competitive cost. Being a much more durable material, steel steadily replaced iron as the standard for railway rail, and due to its greater strength, longer lengths of rails could now be rolled. Wrought iron was soft and contained flaws caused by included dross.

Iron rails could also not support heavy locomotives and was damaged by hammer blow. The first to make durable rails of steel rather than wrought iron was Robert Forester Mushet at the Darkhill IronworksGloucestershire in The first of Mushet's steel rails was sent to Derby Midland railway station. The rails were laid at part of the station approach where the iron rails had to be renewed at least industrial revolution essay topics six months, and occasionally every three, industrial revolution essay topics.

Six years later, inthe rail seemed as perfect as ever, industrial revolution essay topics, although some trains had passed over it daily, industrial revolution essay topics. The first commercially available steel rails in the US were manufactured in at the Cambria Iron Works in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

Steel rails lasted over ten times longer than did iron, [17] and with the falling cost of steel, industrial revolution essay topics, heavier weight rails were used. This allowed the use of more powerful locomotives, which could pull longer trains, and longer rail cars, all of which greatly increased the productivity of railroads.

The theoretical and practical basis for the harnessing of electric power was laid by the scientist and experimentalist Michael Faraday. Through his research on the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a direct currentFaraday established the basis for the concept of the electromagnetic field in physics. InSir Joseph Swaninventor of the first feasible industrial revolution essay topics light bulbsupplied about 1, Swan incandescent lamps to the Savoy Theatre in the City of Westminster, London, which was the first theatre, and the first public building in the world, to be lit entirely by electricity.

The first large scale central distribution supply plant was opened at Holborn Viaduct in London in [26] and later at Pearl Street Station in New York City. The first modern power station in the world was built by the English electrical engineer Sebastian de Ferranti at Deptford. Built on an unprecedented scale and pioneering the use of high voltage 10,V alternating currentindustrial revolution essay topics, it generated kilowatts and supplied central London.

On its completion in it supplied high-voltage AC power that was then "stepped down" with transformers for consumer use on each street. Electrification allowed the final major developments in manufacturing methods of the Second Industrial Revolution, namely the assembly line and mass production. Electrification was called "the most important engineering achievement of the 20th century" by the National Academy of Engineering.

Frank J. Sprague developed the first successful DC motor in By electric street railways were either using his equipment or in planning. The electric street railway became a major infrastructure before The AC motor Induction motor was developed in the s and soon began to be used in the electrification of industry.

Fluorescent lighting was commercially introduced at the World's Fair. Electrification also allowed the inexpensive production of electro-chemicalssuch as aluminium, chlorine, sodium hydroxide, industrial revolution essay topics, and magnesium.

The use of machine tools began with the onset of the First Industrial Revolution. The increase in mechanization required more metal parts, which were usually made of cast iron or wrought iron —and hand working lacked precision and was a slow and expensive process. One of the first machine tools was John Wilkinson 's boring machine, that bored a precise hole in James Watt 's first steam engine in Advances in the accuracy of machine tools can be traced to Henry Maudslay and refined by Joseph Whitworth.

Standardization of screw threads began with Henry Maudslay aroundwhen the modern screw-cutting lathe made interchangeable V-thread machine screws a practical commodity. InJoseph Whitworth created a design that, through its adoption by many British railroad companies, became the world's first national machine tool standard called British Standard Whitworth.

The importance of machine tools to mass production is shown by the fact that production of the Ford Model T used 32, machine tools, most of which were powered by electricity. The first paper making machine was the Fourdrinier machinebuilt by Sealy and Henry Fourdrinierstationers in London. InMatthias Koopsindustrial revolution essay topics, working in London, investigated the idea of using wood to make paper, and began his printing business a year later.

However, his enterprise was unsuccessful due to the prohibitive cost at the time. It was in the s, that Charles Fenerty in Nova Scotia and Friedrich Gottlob Keller in Saxony both invented a industrial revolution essay topics machine which extracted the fibres from wood as with rags and from it, made paper. This started a new era for paper making[38] and, together with the invention of the fountain pen and the mass-produced pencil of the same period, industrial revolution essay topics, and in conjunction with the advent of the steam driven rotary printing presswood based paper caused a major transformation of the 19th century economy and society in industrialized countries.

With the introduction of cheaper paper, schoolbooks, fiction, non-fiction, and newspapers became gradually available by Cheap wood based paper also allowed keeping personal diaries or writing letters and so, byindustrial revolution essay topics, the clerkor writer, ceased to be a high-status job. By the s chemical processes for paper manufacture were in use, becoming dominant by The petroleum industryboth production and refiningbegan in with the first oil works in Scotland.

The chemist James Young set up a tiny business industrial revolution essay topics the crude oil in Young found that by slow distillation he could obtain a number of useful liquids from it, one of which he named "paraffine oil" because at low temperatures it congealed into a substance resembling paraffin wax.

Cable tool drilling was developed in ancient China and was used for drilling brine wells. The salt domes also held natural gas, which some wells produced and which was used for evaporation of the brine. Chinese well drilling technology was introduced to Europe in Although there were many efforts in the midth century to drill for oil Edwin Drake 's well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, is considered the first "modern oil well".

Kerosene lighting was much more efficient and less expensive than vegetable oils, tallow and whale oil. Although town gas lighting was available in some cities, kerosene produced a brighter light until the invention of the gas mantle. Both were replaced by electricity for street lighting following the s and for households during the s, industrial revolution essay topics.

Gasoline was an unwanted industrial revolution essay topics of oil refining until automobiles were mass-produced afterand gasoline shortages appeared during World War I, industrial revolution essay topics. The invention of the Burton process for thermal cracking doubled the yield of gasoline, which helped alleviate the shortages.

The INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Begins [AP World History] Unit 5 Topic 3

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industrial revolution essay topics

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