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Human cloning persuasive essay

Human cloning persuasive essay

human cloning persuasive essay

Persuasive Essay: Is human cloning ethical? Human cloning is the reproduction of an exact copy of a cell from an organism to make a completely “new” organism. While there are reasons for cloning humans, there are also reasons not to clone humans. Some religions, like Catholicism, condemn the topic on the grounds that human cloning takes away from a person’s unique identity and personality. Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning Persuasive Essay On Cloning Humans. I believe that it is an inhumane violation of the natural order of nature to clone Human Cloning Persuasive Essay. Human cloning has the potential to cure cancer, replace organs, eliminate infertility, Write A Persuasive Persuasive Essay On Cloning. Words3 Pages. Now that we are advancing in technology very rapidly, people are starting to wonder if it would be beneficial to clone humans. Some people say that you can literally save a person's life and create an exact replica of person by cloning. But some people say it’s not humane and it would be weird if there is 2 of the exact same person in the world

Cloning Persuasive Essay - Words | Bartleby

Home Page Argumentative and Persuasive Essays - Concerning Cloning Humans Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Essays. Argumentative and Persuasive Essays - Concerning Cloning Humans Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Essays Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Concerning Cloning Humans The ethics of human cloning has become a great issue in the past few human cloning persuasive essay. The advocates for both sides of the issue have many human cloning persuasive essay to clone or not to clone.

This is an attempt to explore the pros and cons of human cloning and to provide enough information of both sides of the arguments in order for the reader to make their own informed decision on whether human cloning is ethical or not. Cloning will first be defined. Then a brief explanation of why questions concerning cloning humans have arisen will be presented, human cloning persuasive essay.

Some things cannot be known for sure unless it is tested, i. Followed by that, a discussion of the facts and opinions that support cloning will be presented and then the same against cloning. Please remember that not all of this has proven true nor is able to be proven yet, but has simply been argued as a scientific hypothesis.

Finally, my own personal opinion will be stated. Defining Human Cloning When speaking of human cloning, what is meant? Different groups and organizations define it human cloning persuasive essay. To use a specific definition, the American Medical Association AMA defined cloning as "the production of genetically identical organisms via somatic cell nuclear transfer. In other words, cloning is the method of produce a baby that has the same genes as its parent.

Then you take the DNA from an adult cell and insert it into the egg, either by fusing the adult cell with the enucleated egg, or by a sophisticated nuclear transfer. You then stimulate the reconstructed egg electrically or chemically and try to make it start to divide and become an embryo.

You then use the same process to implant the egg into a surrogate mother that you would use with artificial insemination. Eibert However, many groups have used a broader definition of cloning.

They include the production of tissues and organs through growing cells or tissues in cultures along with the actual producing of embryos to be born. This is done with the use of stem cells. When an egg is fertilized and begins to divide, the cells are all alike, human cloning persuasive essay.

As the cells divide, certain cells differentiate and become the stem cells that produce certain tissue and then organs. Research in this very active, human cloning persuasive essay. There is still much for scientists to learn about cell differentiation and how it human cloning persuasive essay. To a clone an organ, human cloning persuasive essay, a stem cell must be produced and then used to a clone that specific organ.

For the sake of this paper, both definitions will be used in order to cover all opinions. One must understand that cloning does not produce an exact copy of the person being cloned.

The person will not be a Xerox copy. He or she will grow up in a different environment than the clone, with different experiences and different opportunities. Genetics does not wholly define a person and the personality. How It All Started In Februarywhen embryologist Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at Roslin Institute in Scotland were able to clone a lamb, human cloning persuasive essay, named Dolly, the world was introduced to a new possibility and will never be the same again Nash.

Before this, cloning was thought to be impossible, but now there is living proof that the technology and knowledge to clone animals exist. Questions began to arise within governments and scientific organizations and they began to respond. Are humans next? Is it possible to use this procedure to clone humans also? Would anyone actually try? What can we learn if we clone humans? How will this affect the world? These are only a few of the questions that have surfaced and need answered.

A whole new concept in ethics was created when the birth of Dolly was announced. There are a great number of possible medical benefits and disadvantages to cloning and its technology. They include the following: Potential Medical Benefits The possibility that through cloning technology we will learn to renew activity of damaged cells by growing new cells and replacing them.

The capability to create humans with identical genetic makeup to act as organ donors for each other, i. The benefit of studying cell differentiation at the same time that cloning is studied and developed. Sterile couples will be able to have offspring will have either the mother's or father's genetic pattern. Potential Harms and Disadvantages The possibility of compromising individualities. Loss of genetic variation. A "black human cloning persuasive essay of fetuses may arise from desirable donors that will want to be able to clone themselves, i, human cloning persuasive essay.

Technology is not well developed. It has a low fertility rate. In cloning Dolly, eggs were used, 30 started to divide, human cloning persuasive essay, nine induced pregnancy, and only one survived to term Nash.

Clones may be treated as second-class citizens. Unknown psychosocial harms with human cloning persuasive essay on the family and society. The Governments Make a Move The governments went to work shortly after the cloning of Dolly. They wanted to take control and make human cloning persuasive essay before anything drastic could ever happen.

Several ethics committees were asked to decide whether scientists should be allowed to try to clone humans.

Many of the committees found the data displayed above. In the United States, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission recommended a five-year moratorium on cloning a child through somatic cell nuclear transfer Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs 1.

In the state of Michigan, Governor Engler signed a law last year making human cloning illegal with harsh penalties if it is attempted "Governor Engler In the United Kingdom, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority HFEA and the Human Genetics Advisory Commission HGEC have approved human cloning for therapeutic purposes, but not to clone children "HFEA supports Human Cloning in U.

Many organizations have come out and stated their opinions also. Amongst all this ethical defining, many people are being ignored by the governments. People are speaking out about what they want done. Let Us Clone After a couple has had their first child, to their disappointment they become infertile and cannot have more children.

Cloning would enable such a couple to have a second child, perhaps a younger twin to the child they already have. This example has a very good argument. Many couples have difficulties having children, and sometimes it is impossible for couples to have children because they are infertile. Cloning would allow these couples to have children. Also, occasionally a woman is born without a uterus or has other complications and cannot produce eggs, then with the help of a surrogate mother, she can have a child of her own using her own DNA or her husband's.

This and the example at the beginning are both arguments that some human cloning persuasive essay made in promoting cloning. It is hard to tell someone that they cannot use cloning to have children when no other possible ways to produce offspring are available. This is one reason why it is difficult to decide if cloning is ethical or not.

The following are some of the reasons why cloning should be allowed. As human cloning persuasive essay discussed, cloning can be used to help benefit those that are sterile and cannot have children through the normal, natural way, human cloning persuasive essay. It is the desire of most couples to have children and when it is impossible to bare children of your own, some are willing to do anything to have a child.

Cloning will allow them to have a child or many children that have the genetic pattern of one of the parents. Through cloning, research can progress. It is hard to say what we can learn from cloning if cloning is not allowed. We possibly can learn more about cell differentiation. We can learn human cloning persuasive essay to produce human organs without having to produce human beings. We may develop technology to allow easier genetic testing and fixing problems such as spinal cord injuries, cancer, Tay-Sachs disease, human cloning persuasive essay, and many more.

Cloning organs for organ transplants is one of the major practical reasons that cloning should be allowed. There is always a high demand for organs. Some argue for the cloning of humans to create spare body parts. Others talk of just wanting to clone an organ to replace a defective organ. Rejuvenation is also a key argument for advocates of cloning. Human cloning may one day reverse heart attacks. Some scientists human cloning persuasive essay that by injecting cloned healthy heart cells into damaged heart tissue will lead to healing of the heart Human Cloning Foundation.

The possibilities are endless and may be left undiscovered if human cloning is banned. Thou Shalt Not Clone One of the main goals of the government is to protect human life. Some people want the government to regulate cloning and not allow it. As mentioned before, human cloning persuasive essay, the governor signed laws that prohibit engaging or attempting to engage in human cloning.

A Michigan state senator, Mr. Bennett said, "This legislation boils down to one thing: Prohibiting the creation of human life for scientific research. Human cloning is wrong; it will be five years from now; and wrong years from now! It would be against the code of ethics of a doctor to harm a clone i.

Why We Still Haven't Cloned Humans — It's Not Just Ethics

, time: 5:12

Persuasive Essay On Cloning - Words | Bartleby

human cloning persuasive essay

The possibility of cloning an exact copy of another human with one already fully developed is almost impossible, but through meticulous research, scientists have discovered the numerous benefits of cloning humans, either with individual cells or an embryo. By applying research from cloning normal cells to cloning stem cells, a wider range of people can be helped, and the cost of procedures will be Persuasive Essay On Cloning. Words3 Pages. Now that we are advancing in technology very rapidly, people are starting to wonder if it would be beneficial to clone humans. Some people say that you can literally save a person's life and create an exact replica of person by cloning. But some people say it’s not humane and it would be weird if there is 2 of the exact same person in the world Defining Human Cloning When speaking of human cloning, what is meant? Different groups and organizations define it differently. To use a specific definition, the American Medical Association (AMA) defined cloning as "the production of genetically identical organisms via somatic cell nuclear transfer

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