Oct 13, · These are examples of well written, properly cited history papers. Example of full paper with outline For World Civilizations I & II. Outline Example Example of an outline for a first year level history paper. Judge and Langdon Book Review/Research Paper - Example 1 Judge and Langdon Book Review/Research Paper - Example 2 Author: Virginia Young papers are concerned with history (not just what happened, of course, but why and how it happened), and some are interested in historiography (i.e., how other historians have written history, specifically the peculiarities of different works, scholars, or schools of thought). Some papers emphasize social or cultural history, others political or military history, and stillFile Size: 81KB Aug 09, · history of usa css past paper. date august 9, ; federal public service commission competitive examination for recruitment to posts in bs under the federal government history of usa part-ii
History of USA CSS Past Paper
Neathery de Safita Neathery Batsell Fuller July What Is Paper? True paper is characterized as thin sheets made from fiber that has been macerated until each individual filament is a separate unit.
Medieval paper was made of diluted cotton, linen fiber. HunterThe fibers are then intermixed history of papers water and by the use of a sieve-like screen, the fibers are lifted from the water leaving a sheet of matted fiber on the screen. The thin layer of intertwined fiber is paper. Hunter5 Many people include think of papyrus and rice paper as paper. They are not, history of papers. Papyrus is not made from macerated fiber so, it is not true paper. Papyrus is made from a grasslike aquatic plant in the sedge family called Cyperus papyrus.
It has woody, bluntly triangular stems that are cut or sliced end to end with metal knife. Then these thin "boards" are pasted together much like laminated wood, history of papers. It is made from strips of the cut spirally from the pith of the rice paper tree, a small Asiatic tree or shrub, history of papers, Tetrapanax papyriferum, that is widely cultivated in China and Japan.
The pith is cut into a thin layer of ivory-like texture by means of a sharp knife. American Paper and Pulp Association, Parchment and vellum are also not paper. They are made from the skins of animals Hunter ,6. Where It Began. Paper as we know it, history of papers, was invented in China, ADhistory of papers the Chinese Eunuch Ts'ai Lun. It was, thin, feted, formed, flat made in porous molds from macerated vegetable fiber.
Hunter ,4 Before the 3rd century AD, history of papers first paper was made of disintegrating cloth- bark of trees and vegetation such as mulberry, history of papers, hemp, china grass Hunter ,56 Paper was used in China from ADfor engraving religious pictures and reached its height of in with the wooden block prints made popular by Sung Ying-hsing.
The technology of making paper moved from China to Japan and then to Korea in AD where it was commonly made from mulberry bark and Gampi. Later it was made from bamboo and rice straw. Hunter ,59 Marco Polo gave one of the first descriptions of Chinese papermaking in his 'Milione'.
He mentions that the Chinese emperors jealously guard the secrets of papermaking and that fine paper is manufactured from vegetable fiber: rice or tea straw, bamboo canes and hemp rag cloth. Chinese paper made from bark and the fibers of rags and hemp may have traveled on caravans following the Gobi Desert, history of papers, the Desert of Takla Makan and the Tarim Valley and finally arrived in Samarkan. But history of papers was a closely guarded secret and it was not actually made there until after AD.
In the Chinese lost a battle in Turkistan on the banks of the Tharaz River. It was recorded that among the Chinese prisoners were skilled papermakers. The craftsmen began making paper in Samarkan.
Hunter ,60 Samarkan was a good place to make paper because it had an abundant supply of hemp and flax and pure water. htm Papermaking then spread to Damascus and to Egypt and Morocco. It took years to find its way to Europe, history of papers. HunterBy the end of the 10th century, paper had replaced parchment and papyrus in the Arab world. htm The is a comparatively large number of early Arabic manuscripts.
on paper dating from the 9th century. The material of the Arab paper was apparently substantially linen. It seems that the Arabs, and the skilled Persian workmen whom they employed, at once resorted to flax, which grows abundantly in Khorasan, as their principal material, afterwards also making use of rags, supplemented, history of papers, as the demand grew, with any vegetable fibre that would serve; cotton, if used at all, was used very sparingly. History of papers of Oriental manufacture in the Middle Ages can be distinguished by its stout substance and glossy surface, and was devoid of water-marks.
Stutermeister11 Paper In Europe The first mention of rag-paper occurs in the tract of Peter, abbot of Cluny A. htm s Several manuscripts survive that were history of papers in European, countries on Oriental paper or paper made in the Oriental fashion. The oldest history of papers document on paper was a deed of King Roger of Sicily, history of papers, of the year ; and there are others of Sicilian kings in the 12th century.
A notarial register on paper, at Geneva, dates, from The oldest known imperial deed on the same material is a charter of Frederick II to the nuns of Goess in Styria, of the yearhistory of papers at Vienna, history of papers. InFrederick II forbade further use of paper for public documents; which were in future to be inscribed on vellum, history of papers. In Venice the Liber plegiorum, the entries in which begin with the yearis made of rough paper; as are the history of papers of the Council of Ten, history of papers, beginning in ; and the history of papers of the emperor Henry VII.
In the British Museum there is an older history of papers in a manuscript. Arundel which contains some astronomical treatises written on an excellent paper in an Italian hand from the first half of the 13th century. In the public Record Office there is a letter on paper from Raymond, son of Raymond, Duke of Narbonne and count of Toulouse, to Henry III of England, history of papers, written during the years The letters addressed from Castile to Edward I. Stutermeister11 There is a record of paper being used by the Empress Irene in Greece at the end of the 13th century, but with one doubtful exception, there are no extant Greek manuscripts on paper before the middle of the 13th century.
htmPapermaking Comes To Europe The Muslim conquest of Spain brought papermaking into Europe. The English word "ream" meaning sheets is derived through Spanish and French from the Arabic word rizmah that translates as "a bundle". htm Both Spain and Italy claim to be the first to manufacture paper in Europe. HunterOne of the first paper mills in Europe was in Xativa now Jativa or St. Felipe de Javita in the ancient city of Valencia and it can be dated to AD HunterSome scholars claim that the Arabs built the Xativa mill in approximately AD Papermaking continued under Moorish rule history of papers when the moors were expelled.
Paper history of papers then began to gradually spread across Christian Europe. history of papers The first wire mold for making paper is identified in Spain dating to Bamboo molds were common in China, but it was not readily available in Europe. The bamboo allowed the mold to be flexible, but the European rigid wire mold, was better suited to the formation of rag fiber.
Europeans also invented the Fence or Deckle, which keeps the paper within bonds Hunter The earliest paper was called 'cloth parchment', but it often contained wood and straw in addition to cloth. All these raw materials were beaten to a fine pulp and mixed with water. Sheets of paper were then pressed out, dried and hardened. The demand for paper was slight in the 1st Century Europe Hunter Paper cost more than vellum, it was more fragile than parchment and it was associated with Jews and Arabs who were not trusted.
Hunterhistory of papers, 61 In fact, The Church in Western Europe initially banned the use of paper calling it a 'pagan art' believing that animal parchment was the only thing 'holy' enough to carry the Sacred Word. html It was only with the advent of printing in the middle of the 15th Century that the demand became greater.
HunterThe first representation of the printing process is the wood print Der Papierer by Jost Amman in the Little Book of trades.
Hunter5. Papiermühle mit Wasserradantrieb by Jost Amman: Stände und Handwerker, Frankfurt a. In Italy the first history of papers center of the paper-making industry was Fabriano in the marquisate of Ancona. Mills were established inand rose to importance with the decline of the manufacture in Spain. htm The first official document recording the presence of paper manufacturing in Fabriano dates toand is the deed of a public notary recording the purchase of a house by a "carthaio" or paper maker, with another six paper makers called as witnesses.
This document clearly points to the existence of a number of paper factories, and implies a well developed commercial activity. Fabriano was the first manufacturing center to harness water power to drive the fibrillation pulping process, previously a labor intensive manual activity. In a factory was established at and Treviso ; and other factories were quickly established in the territories of Florence, Bologna, History of papers, Milan, Venice.
The factories of northern Italy supplied southern Germany with paper as late as the 15th century. The earliest German factories are said to have been set up between Cologne and Mainz, history of papers, history of papers in Mainz itself about Ulman Stromer established a mill in at Nuremberg, with the aid of Italian workmen.
Ratisbon and Augsburg were other sites of early manufacture. Western Germany, the Netherlands and England, are said to have obtained paper at first from France and Burgundy then through the markets of Bruges, Antwerp and Cologne. The first paper-mills in France were established inin the district of Hérault.
By the second half of the 14th Century, the use of paper for all literary purposes had become established in all of Western Europe. In the course of the 15th century vellum was gradually superseded by paper. Some later manuscripts would use a mixture of vellum and paper. usually a vellum sheet would form the outer, or the outer and inner, leaves of a quire while the rest were paper.
Stutermeister11 Paper Making In Italy Papermaking in Italy is dominated by the historic and powerful feudal family, Fabriano. The Council Statute of prohibited anyone within a radius of 50 miles from Fabriano buildings from manufacturing paper or teaching paper making secrets to those not residing within the Council territory, pending a fine of 50 ducats. A later prohibition has even stiffer penalties. Transgressors were considered "rebels" and thereby banned from the city with consequent capital confiscation.
The extent of the power of the local tribunal's protection of the Fabriano papermakers is highlighted in a document. Council priors, concerned that if maestro Piero di Stefano, history of papers, the only artisan who practiced the "modular" art in the Marche province died his craft would die with him. The Council demanded the old maestro to teach the craft to his son or any apprentice in his workshop and not to construct or repair screens used outside the district of Fabriano or he would be penalized with a fine of ducats.
Modular craftsman specialized in making the wooden screens known as "modularo". The screen or module is made-up of a wooden framework, on which a dense wire history of papers is placed and also a movable wooden frame or deckle. It must be constructed so that it will support the weight of the paste and the water without deforming the paper.
Do you know How Paper was Invented? Watch History of Paper to know more!
, time: 1:30Home - Handbook for Historians - Noreen Reale Falcone Library at Le Moyne College
Aug 09, · history of usa css past paper. date august 9, ; federal public service commission competitive examination for recruitment to posts in bs under the federal government history of usa part-ii Once publishers noticed the growing popularity and profit potential of newspapers, they founded daily publications. In , a German publisher began printing the world’s oldest surviving daily paper, Einkommende Zeitung, and an English publisher followed suit in with London’s Daily Courant Things started to get exciting in the world of paper between and First was the "mechanical pulping process" where forestry products are manufactured into paper pulp. This meant that rather than harvesting flax, trees were able to be used for making paper. The yields were astounding
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