Jan 15, · In February , the House of Commons passed the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). The Act came into effect in April , replacing the Young Offenders Act. The new legislation attempts to balance the legalistic framework of the Young Offenders Act and the social needs approach underlying the Juvenile Delinquents blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The article youth criminal justice act: new directions and implementation issues () explained that “it can make a contribution to the protection of the public in the long-term. Parliaments references to protection of the public indicate that such protection is a desired long-term outcome or result of the activities of the youth justice system” Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) Essay Words | 4 Pages. Youth crime is a growing epidemic that affects most teenagers at one point in their life. There is no question in society to whether or not youths are committing crimes. It has been shown that since to violent crime committed by youth jumped approximately % (CITE)
Youth Criminal Justice Act Essay - Words | Bartleby
At what impact does society face or will have to face for allowing a juvenile to be transferred and charged in an adult court?
Should the society allow the juvenile to be charged as an adult? Violence is met with the punishment it deserves. Also, this punishment will also be a deterrent and set the precedent for others to see and understand the implications of violence.
Juvenile killers should take responsibility for their actions because they have the mental capacity to make conscious decisions for themselves--no matter how impetuous--even if that decision is murder. But of course, juveniles should be tried as adults as a punishment for their crimes especially murder.
Many juveniles who are tried under the juvenile system do not rehabilitated completely to reenter society. Many juveniles should know the difference between right and wrong and should think of the consequences of their actions. The families of the victims deserve peace and closure knowing the person who took the life of their beloved one is facing time behind bars, essay on youth criminal justice act.
As a person you should already know that hurting someone is not acceptable. Taking from someone is not okay. If you make a mistake you should be punished for it. Many juveniles do not know the difference between right and wrong, therefore they go on to commit such heinous crimes.
In conclusion I think that minors should not be tried as adults because they will not survive in and adult prison and they will commit more crimes if they are put into adult prison. So the solution is to help them recover and become a better person in society instead of punishing. There are indication that essay on youth criminal justice act criminals have a juvenile records in the US, indicating that crime manifests from a tender age.
Therefore, to reverse the incidence of crime, it follows that the best strategy is to reduce the criminal orientation in the juvenile offenders as opposed to hardening them and preparing them for criminal careers. The case of the Crossroads Juvenile Center demonstrates the willingness of the juvenile justice systems to make these changes on the children, essay on youth criminal justice act.
References Day, S. Runaway Man: A Journey Back to Hope. So far the only programs that are in use to fix this situation is ones helping them pick better peers, getting them into sports and even helping them find jobs.
Therefore, the focus of effective treatment must be on addressing such criminogenic needs and the multiple "systems in which the young person comes from. By repealing the juvenile justice system we can put in a new system that will work.
Nothing beneficial is coming from it and juveniles do not gain the understanding that actions have a consequence. If juveniles who commit crimes began to face trial adults, receiving life sentences or several years, crime would begin to decrease. These minors feel they can do anything because they are young. Our society needs to come forward to teach our children a better way of living. The classical theory should be what determines if a juvenile is punished or rehabilitated.
The severity of the punishment should be determined by the severity of the crime to deter others and reduce crime.
As well as the punishment should be swift and appropriate to deter others and reduce crime. As well as the 8th Amendment should have a part on the decision for the delinquent, essay on youth criminal justice act.
The extent of the crime should match the punishment given to the delinquent and the age of the delinquent should also be taken into effect when deciding how to proceed with the. The goal of the Juvenile Courts system was to rehabilitate instead of punish juvenile offenders. The courts based this on the legal doctrine of parens patriae. This doctrine enables the state to fill in as a juvenile guardian. The courts attempted to center around the best interest of the, essay on youth criminal justice act.
They would learn for the future. This concern has an obvious response. If he spends a decent portion of his life in prison, that may only be temporary. Forcing a juvenile to spend the rest of their life wasting away in a cell is cruel and unusual punishment. The punishment these kids should be given is time for rehabilitation, time for consolation, and nothing more than that.
How is a child, forced to live the rest of their days behind bars, essay on youth criminal justice act, going to use what they learned from their actions and positively affect society?
Taking away the life of a juvenile is almost as bad as the juvenile committing the crime itself. I think that the court systems should have a little more power when it comes to choosing due process or criminal control. If the person is a first time offender and it is a small crime then I think they should have the right to defend themselves.
On the other hand if the person is being prosecuted for the second or more time for the same type of offense or if it was an offense that is very bad then I feel that they need to be punished for the crimes that they have committed. I do believe that there should be balance because not all court cases need to be dealt with to the extreme of punishments but then there are some cases and individuals that never seem to learn so they need to be dealt with in a different way to deter them and others from committing those same.
This theory states that all people have the potential to become criminals because modern society presents many opportunities for illegal activity but one has the choice to not engage. If a child is raised in a clean community that has strong morals and if that child has positive role models at home and in the community, they more likely to grow up achieving her goals.
In all while it maybe true that your surroundings and the people around you can be the reason behind someone becoming apart of the criminal justice system, but in my oppioin I believe it the person themselves. Whether we like it or not we know right from wrong, we may not see it when we are young but as time progresses we become. In a case, the jurors and prosecutors should at least be aware that if it was the mental disorder that caused or influenced them to kill, it could have been avoided.
Essay on youth criminal justice act effective treatment the juvenile could have been able to break the cycle of a future criminal history. It should be taken into consideration that not all the time is juveniles associated with type of fundamental.
IPL Youth Criminal Justice Act Essay. Youth Criminal Justice Act Essay Words 3 Pages. The Youth Criminal Justice Act YCJA was put in place to protect society and decrease the risk of crimes for young persons from ages 12 — The Act, introduced on April 1stessay on youth criminal justice act, was brought in to enforce consequences for youth. The consequences were more relaxed than the previous act and they need to be made stronger, while continuing to recognize different consequences for different crimes.
Methods of penalization should be used to direct the youth into adulthood and maturity. This also gives them the knowledge to know how problems or crimes are dealt with under the Act. Before the Youth Criminal Justice Act children in conflict with the law were treated similar to adult criminals, often receiving harsh sentences for relatively minor …show more content… If they think they can break the rule and get away with it, then how is that going to ever stop the youth from committing crimes.
Perhaps, essay on youth criminal justice act, if their sentences were more intense they would think again about what they are doing before it is too late. I don 't think that anybody; adult or child should just be locked up. Though, essay on youth criminal justice act, they should also have opportunities while in jail to make a better life for themselves, otherwise they can sit in jail for the rest of their lives. Essay on youth criminal justice act 's really their choice.
If the youth of today wants to break the law; then they should be required to take whatever punishment they deserve, and be tried as adults. I think that partially the Act is promoting youth to commit crimes without having the slightest fear of consequences since there are no harsh sentences.
com Overall, the YCJA essay on youth criminal justice act youth several opportunities for rehabilitation but there should be essay on youth criminal justice act little more to the consequences. Show More. Effects Of Recidivism On Juveniles Words 3 Pages At what impact does society face or will have to face for allowing a juvenile to be transferred and charged in an adult court?
Read More, essay on youth criminal justice act. Why Do Criminals Commit Juvenile Killers? Essay: Why Minors Should Be Tried As Adults Words 5 Pages But of course, juveniles should be tried as adults as a punishment for their crimes especially murder. Arguments Against Juvenile Criminals Words 4 Pages The families of the victims deserve peace and closure knowing the person who took the life of essay on youth criminal justice act beloved one is facing time behind bars.
Persuasive Essay: Should Minor Be Tried As Adult In Crimes Words 3 Pages In conclusion I think that minors should not be tried as adults because they will not survive in and adult prison and they will commit more crimes if they are put into adult prison, essay on youth criminal justice act. Crossroads Juvenile Center Research Essay on youth criminal justice act Words 7 Pages There are indication that essay on youth criminal justice act criminals have a juvenile records in the US, indicating that crime manifests from a tender age.
The Juvenile System Words 4 Pages So far the only programs that are in use to fix this situation is ones helping them pick better peers, getting them into sports and even helping them find jobs. Juveniles Should Face Trial As Adults Words 4 Pages By repealing the juvenile justice system we can put in a new system that will work.
Juvenile Delinquent Essay Words 5 Pages The classical theory should be what determines if a juvenile is punished or rehabilitated. Nathaniel Abraham Research Paper Words 3 Pages They would learn for the future. Should Juveniles Be Tried As An Adult? Evidence That Defendant Is Guilty Words 4 Pages I think that the court systems should have a little more power when it comes to choosing due process or criminal control.
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Youth Criminal Justice: Youth Court
, time: 6:02The Youth Criminal Justice Act: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

The article youth criminal justice act: new directions and implementation issues () explained that “it can make a contribution to the protection of the public in the long-term. Parliaments references to protection of the public indicate that such protection is a desired long-term outcome or result of the activities of the youth justice system” Youth Criminal Justice Act Essay Words | 6 Pages. continue the government established the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) which gives young offenders a chance to better themselves, and. By doing so, the YCJA helps teach youth that their actions are unacceptable and the punishments imposed are lesser then an adult Dec 02, · "The Youth Criminal Justice Act is a piece of Canadian legislation that determines the way in which youths are prosecuted under Canada's criminal justice system." The act was implemented April 1, , after "7 years, 3 drafts, and more than amendments." The clearly stated purpose of the Youth Criminal Justice Act is "protection of the public through crime prevention, rehabilitation, and
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