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TECH FOCUS AREAS: Space. ITAR: The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ITAR22 CFR Partswhich controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation EAR15 TECH FOCUS AREAS: Space. ITAR: The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ITARdissertation multistatic china, 22 CFR Partswhich controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation EAR15 Dissertation multistatic china Partswhich TECH FOCUS AREAS: Space.
ITAR: The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ITAR22 CFR Partswhich controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation EAR NOTE: The Solicitations and topics listed on this site are copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date.
For this reason, you should use the agency link listed below which will take you directly to the appropriate agency server where you can read the official version of this solicitation and download the appropriate forms and rules.
TECH FOCUS AREAS: Network Command, dissertation multistatic chinaControl and Communications. The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ITAR22 CFR Partswhich controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, dissertation multistatic chinadissertation multistatic china, or the Export Dissertation multistatic china Regulation EAR15 CFR Partswhich controls dual use items.
Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals FNstheir country ies of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work SOW tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN s dissertation multistatic china accordance with section 3. Offerors are advised foreign nationals dissertation multistatic china to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate a cost-effective system that provides an ultra-low latency mixed reality environment for end-to-end real-time collaboration between two geographically separated teams, dissertation multistatic china.
The initial intended application is in the collaboration between senior leaders and remote ground control stations for unmanned systems operations. Science fiction has presented examples of holo-decks where a person can become immersed in a virtual environment. Real world experiments have created advanced Cave Automatic Virtual Environments CAVEs which provide an immersive experience but, in the past, due to size, cost, and complexity they were not viable options for operational use.
Mixed reality MR where real and virtual worlds are merged is rapidly advancing and entering the consumer markets. The solution should provide the ability for the senior leader to enter an dissertation multistatic china where they feel that they are in the remote operations center and can interact with the remote team as if they were in the same room.
This includes but is not limited to viewing and interacting with individuals, sensor feeds, dissertation multistatic china, dissertation multistatic chinaair vehicle status, GIS data, etc.
The solution should provide an ultra-low latency interface to reduce or eliminate the risk of virtual reality sickness and well as other off-putting side effects of virtual and mixed reality use. The solution could be, but not limited to, a device that can be worn, entered, dissertation multistatic china, sat in, or sat in front of, to immerse and engage with users and data, dissertation multistatic china.
The dissertation multistatic china must be capable to transmit and display classified data. The solutions could have a permanent install system capable of meeting all the needs with a portable version transportable onboard aircraft and set-up in remote areas of the globe. PHASE I: Determine, dissertation multistatic chinainsofar as possible, the dissertation multistatic china, technical, and commercial feasibility of the concept. Include a plan to demonstrate an innovative environment where senior leaders and decision makers can virtually collaborate face-to-face while sharing real-time critical information.
Dissertation multistatic china, this would involve leadership and unmanned systems operation remote ground control dissertation multistatic china. PHASE II: The contractor will develop, install, integrate and demonstrate an affordable prototype system capable of ultra-low latency mixed reality environment for end-to-end real-time collaboration between two geographically separated teams, dissertation multistatic china.
Commercial interest in such a system for collaboration and data sharing is also anticipated. TECH FOCUS AREAS: Dissertation multistatic china. ITAR: The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ITAR dissertation multistatic china22 CFR Partswhich controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation EAR15 CFR Partswhich controls dual use items.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate radical improvements to warfighter cognitive and physical performance through advancements in physiology, nutrition, dissertation multistatic china, and engineering.
The effects should last for a short time period, i, dissertation multistatic china. Warfighters are exposed to, and engage in, environments and activities where degradation of cognitive and physical performance can have grave consequences.
Conversely, advantages in speed, strength, surprise, dissertation multistatic chinaand aggression will help achieve dominance against the enemy. This topic solicits solutions radically improving and providing advantages to speed, strength, surprise, and aggression for warfighters through physiology, nutrition, neuroscience, and engineering. The topic is interested in big gains in capability versus minor improvements, dissertation multistatic china.
These areas of interest include but are not limited to the following examples:. Any Human Subjects Dissertation dissertation multistatic china china HSR must be conducted dissertation multistatic china the applicable guidelines associated with DoD funded research.
It is strongly recommended if proposing HSR, the work be conducted late in the Direct to Phase II performance period to provide sufficient time to prepare and submit human use approval documentation to the Institutional Review Board.
PHASE II: The contractor will develop, build, integrate, dissertation multistatic china demonstrate the proposed solution for cognitive or physical performance improvement or degradation reduction, as well as testing and approval dissertation multistatic china proposed supplement or augmentation.
This technology will have wide ranging application to all services and Government agencies involved in dismounted operations. These new services and the infrastructure enabling them have, in turn, created a fast-changing environment for further development. Mission planning and design now takes place in this dynamic context, dissertation multistatic china. The Air Force continues to deliver traditional capabilities but could do so more effectively and by wholly different approaches through exploiting and repurposing rapidly emerging space systems, services, components, and supporting infrastructure.
In previous generations, Air Force missions have been planned over extended time periods, assuming the availability of certain Government assets, products, dissertation multistatic chinaand supporting services, dissertation multistatic chinawith the Government funding dissertation multistatic china developments that were required.
Techniques for analyzing missions and performing trades were created and honed with each new application. Now, mission planners are dissertation multistatic china with a fast-changing array of commercial services and unconventional mixes of commercially driven and Government-driven capabilities including new technology and software-defined systems, commodity spacecraft components, small satellite buses, and launch and ground systems services.
The environment is dynamic, choices are greater, and mission development, dissertation dissertation multistatic china chinaincluding rapid progression from concept to systems requirements to preliminary design, should adapt as well.
Dissertation multistatic china a set of needs and goals in a broad dissertation multistatic china area, the Air Force will benefit from a rapid capability to interpret needs and opportunities, structure candidate mission architectures, assess available and emerging services and technologies that may be relevant dissertation multistatic china solutions, and proceed systematically through trades to arrive at multiple feasible approaches for satellite and system designs.
These in turn can be considered with respect to cost, schedule, and risk, dissertation multistatic chinaand the likelihood and degree of meeting goals. In most cases, the mission and satellite development capability will rapidly access and combine insight from multiple sources and companies. Overlaps in different space-related dissertation multistatic china have blurred the lines of simpler, focused mission development. Communications now involves geosynchronous earth orbit GEOmedium earth orbit MEOand low earth orbit LEO over multiple wavelengths, with different antenna types and more use of relays.
Satellites have greater on-board processing, increased dissertation multistatic china for coordinated operation, more options for deployed subsystems and in-space changes. Launch services are lower cost, more frequent and agile, with emerging options dissertation multistatic china orbit insertions and transfers. Payloads are more programmable, adaptable and compact. In addition, information management for space systems increasingly leverages software-defined systems and the cloud, from data management to scheduling and operations, dissertation multistatic china.
Mission and satellite design should keep pace dissertation multistatic china and help manage the complexity brought by these fast-evolving developments. It is envisioned this will involve model-based design processes, techniques and methodologies to develop conceptual dissertation multistatic china that include expedient leveraging of dissertation multistatic china best new commercially-available and open source tools, dissertation multistatic china.
A robust but flexible approach accessing knowledge across organizations will take appropriate advantage of software-driven automation and optimization, dissertation multistatic china. Include a plan to demonstrate a rapid capability to interpret needs and opportunities, structure candidate mission architectures, assess available and emerging services and technologies potentially relevant to solutions.
The firm would then proceed systematically through trades to arrive at multiple feasible approaches for satellite and system designs to be dissertation multistatic china in terms of cost, schedule, risk, and the ability to fully meet goals.
PHASE II: Develop and enhance the rapid space mission and satellite design capability, and demonstrate the utility in several Air Force need areas for missions that are at different stages of conceptual maturity, including where conceptual development has not yet begun.
Provide intermediate products to be assessed by planning teams, summarizing information capturing sensitivity of mission-level outcomes, dissertation multistatic china, including schedule, cost and risk, to key architecture and implementation decisions, dissertation multistatic china.
Carry at least one mission through to system and satellite design and development, dissertation multistatic chinaworking with other performers to rapidly assess mission-level impacts of spacecraft, payload, operations, data processing, and other elements.
Government applications include rapid concept development and maturation for emerging military space missions. There are potential commercial applications to space system design, and evaluation and assessment of new business ventures, dissertation multistatic china. OBJECTIVE: To develop a personal sampling device that allows novice users to accurately measure and document intermediate-level impulse noise and sub-concussive blast exposures experienced by Dissertation multistatic china Members in realistic operational environments, dissertation multistatic china.
There is a short-term need to collect information about the frequency and intensity of blast exposures that Service Members are being exposed to when they conduct operational training using high-powered weapon systems and other military equipment. There is also a long-term need dissertation multistatic china develop enduring monitoring systems that can be used to measure all blast dissertation multistatic china impulse noise exposures a Service Member experiences over the entirety of his or her military career.
Current impulse-noise measurement systems to measure personal exposures are not well-suited to meet these needs. Typically, impulse noise assessments dissertation multistatic china conducted on individual weapon systems prior to the fielding of that system.
These measurements use laboratory grade equipment that is neither compact enough nor durable enough to be used for exposure measurements during field training events. Additionally, this sort of dissertation multistatic china may not address real world use scenarios where personnel maneuver around the weapon system during firing according to changes in the tactical environment.
Changes in position can significantly change noise dissertation multistatic china. Additionally, evaluations of the individual system rarely, if ever, take into account exposure to multiple noise sources concurrently.
Most current technology for measuring long-term exposures to acoustic noise are focused on continuous noises, dissertation multistatic china, like the sounds generated by engines or machinery. High-level blast exposures that are dissertation multistatic china concussive i. The current gap in measurement systems is in the intermediate range of impulse noises with peak levels between and dB. These impulses are intense enough to saturate the microphones of conventional noise dosimeters, which are unreliable for measuring peak levels above dB.
But those levels are not high enough to trigger most current blast gauges, which cannot register impulse noises below dB, dissertation multistatic china.
A further complication is that Service Members may potentially be exposed to hundreds or even thousands of mid-level impulse noises in a single training session This means that a mid-level impulse noise monitoring system will require much more sophisticated data handling than a blast gauge that may only dissertation multistatic china to record the five loudest exposures in a two month period.
At present, mid-level impulse noise exposures can only be recorded with relatively fragile and expensive test measurement equipment that has to be set up and analyzed by expert personnel, who are often researchers rather than occupational hygienists or safety personnel. The immediate need is a test measurement system that is a Portable and rugged enough to be worn on dissertation multistatic china dissertation multistatic china by dissertation multistatic china Service Members in operational training environments.
b At a minimum, capable of measuring impulses in the range from dB to dB, with a desired dynamic range from dB to dB. c Capable of providing an immediate report of the number and intensity of the impulse noise exposures experienced by a Service Member over a single hour training exercise. d Simple enough to be used by safety personnel who do not have specific expertise in impulse noise exposure.
PHASE I: The contractor dissertation multistatic china develop and demonstrate a prototype system that is a Rugged and compact enough to be worn on the body during operational training. Mechanical characteristics of acceptable field-tested noise dosimeters are listed below. Dimensions: 5 in.
Weight: 14 oz, dissertation multistatic china. b Capable of recording all impulse noise events in the range from dB minimum dB. Data and settings should be stored in nonvolatile memory. c Capable of running continuously for a minimum of an 8 hour period.
d Capable of downloading data dissertation multistatic china generating a report to include:. The number of impulses. The magnitude of each impulse. The A and B durations of each impulse. The prototype system should be compared to laboratory grade impulse noise equipment when exposed to controlled impulsive noises from sources such as cold gas shock tubes, arc gap generators, or small arms dissertation multistatic china from fixed positions.
PHASE Dissertation multistatic china The contractor will build and deliver 10 prototype systems meeting the Phase I specifications, dissertation multistatic china. These prototypes will be evaluated by occupational hygiene professionals to assess their usability and suitability for impulse noise monitoring.
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Oct 12, · Dissertation multistatic china. TECH FOCUS AREAS: Space. TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Space Platforms. ITAR: The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation Professional Essay Help ‘If you want Dissertation Multistatic China professional essay help for your university essays, make sure that Dissertation Multistatic China you knock the door of TFTH only. They are the best at what they do and will never turn you down. You may not even expect your assignments to be so good but when you read your essay done by TFTH, you will instantly realise how I had looked into many tutoring services, Dissertation Multistatic China but they weren't affordable and did not understand my custom-written needs. blogger.com's services, on the other hand, is a perfect match for all my Dissertation Multistatic China written needs. The writers are reliable, honest, extremely knowledgeable, and the results are always top of the class!
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