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Define empirical dissertation

Define empirical dissertation

define empirical dissertation

This article provides an operational definition of overcoming as a first step in the systematic analysis of the concept. Using the method described by Walker and Avant (), the authors identify the attributes and characteristics of overcoming and its theoretical and practical application to cases from clinical research illustrate the concept further Feb 22,  · Dissertation literature review. If the literature review is part of your dissertation or thesis, reiterate how your research addresses gaps and contributes new knowledge, or discuss how you have drawn on existing theories and methods to build a framework for your research. This can lead directly into your methodology section The Postulates define the different ways to represent the modal status of objects, that is, what it is for an object of experience to be possible, actual, or necessary. The most important passage from the Postulates chapter is the Refutation of Idealism, which is a refutation of external world skepticism that Kant added to the edition of

Kant, Immanuel | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. This article provides an operational definition of overcoming as a first step in the systematic analysis of the concept. Using the method described by Walker and Avantdefine empirical dissertation, the authors identify the attributes and characteristics of overcoming and its theoretical and practical application to nursing. Sample cases from clinical research illustrate the concept further. Further nursing research needs to test the theoretical relationships between overcoming and outcome variables.

Nurses often work with individuals and populations with complex health and social problems, assisting define empirical dissertation to promote health, whether in terms of their mental or physical states, define empirical dissertation, their environments, or their social habits, lifestyles, define empirical dissertation, and choices.

This interactive process can be fraught with nuanced meaning and approaches that may differ between patients and providers. The discussion define empirical dissertation then ensured included measures to reach that aim e. As data from the focus groups was analyzed, moreover, it was also apparent that the perceptions of need between providers and service recipients was discordant; that is, homeless women identified and prioritized barriers and obstacles they needed to overcome differently from those anticipated by the providers.

Often used interchangeably with terms such as resilience, survival, adaptation, or resourcefulness, overcoming has yet to be systematically explored or defined as a concept in nursing.

Utilizing the concept analysis method described by Walker and Avantwe explicate the meaning define empirical dissertation overcoming and examine its attributes and characteristics. Sample cases from our research and practice with homeless families illustrate the concept further and help us develop an operational definition. The results of this analysis will enhance understanding of the concept and its theoretical and practical implications for nursing more broadly.

According to the American Heritage Dictionarythe word overcoming is derived from the Old English word, ofercuman, define empirical dissertation, and means to get the better of; to defeat another in competition or conflict; to conquer, prevail over, or surmount; or to overpower or overwhelm, as with emotion.

Synonyms such as vanquish, survive, best, beat, define empirical dissertation, conquer, and hurdle and antonyms: give in, surrender, relapse, and yield, connote a process of winning over losing, success over failure, or surmounting rather than succumbing to. Certain individuals have come to symbolize the concept of overcoming and serve as models of inspiration to others, define empirical dissertation. Typically portrayed as a difficult process, overcoming is an active and conscious effort, made willingly and in response to a desire to move beyond one state to a better alternative or situation.

Earvolino-Ramirez defined resilience as the ability to bounce back or cope successfully despite substantial adversity, implying that there has been a deviation from a more desired norm to which one hopes to return. Thus, resilience implies a define empirical dissertation of hurdling resistance and, in doing so, define empirical dissertation, gaining strength against future stressors, challenges, crises, or trauma, much like a microbe develops resilience over time to an antibiotic and ultimately adapts to and survives its environmental conditions.

Overcoming is thus defined as a deliberate and thoughtful process of changing or define empirical dissertation a self-perceived problematic circumstance, challenge, or adversity in order to live a healthier and happier future. In the process of overcoming, an individual must first identify the existence of and need to change a current behavior, situation, define empirical dissertation, event, or problem.

Self-efficacy thus plays a significant role in overcoming; individuals need to believe in themselves and their ability to make and sustain change in their situations in order to overcome that situation.

Stage two, or the contemplation stage, signifies a period when a person gives serious thought to overcoming a behavior, define empirical dissertation, situation, event, define empirical dissertation, or problem but does not commit to action.

Should this stage be met, an individual next moves to the preparation stage, in which he intends to make necessary changes and then begins to incorporate small behavior changes define empirical dissertation his life. Still, it is not until the fourth stage, the action stage, that individuals modify their behavior or environment to overcome their situations.

Modifications in this stage are visible and often receive external recognition from others. The final stage is where individuals work define empirical dissertation hard to maintain their behavioral change and prevent relapse of the behavior. Indeed, the reality of relapse requires that an individual be resilient and flexible, particularly since the process of overcoming is neither linear or absolute on first attempt.

Overcoming also requires that individuals have optimism and hope for a better future than the present and past lives that define them. It is this hope that serves as motivation for the difficult stages of change, thus helping to move the individual beyond adapting to or surviving a difficult situation to acquire a define empirical dissertation of purpose and meaning. Social support also serves as motivation. Once change is in progress, individuals must believe that their achievements are supported by significant others, agencies, or systems.

For optimum success in overcoming an identified source, therefore, individual characteristics must ally with environmental factors to support the process.

Although the need for environmental support may vary with the degree and complexity of the issue, problem, or situation at hand, the individual needs to perceive that it is available and helpful in the process of overcoming.

Cone and Waters described the process of reconnecting in their grounded theory study of formerly homeless mothers and found that social interactions were critical to resolving homelessness. For example, several participants in our study had been homeless multiple times.

Individuals suffering from substance addiction, caring for multiple children, and lacking intimate partner, define empirical dissertation, family, or friend support were particularly vulnerable to repeat homelessness.

The inability to overcome the challenges of these component issues precluded the ability to overcome homelessness as an outcome. She defined three stages necessary in the process of overcoming homelessness: crisis, define empirical dissertation, and sustained action.

In other words, women needed to be resilient define empirical dissertation the face of obstacles to housing stability, be hopeful that they would attain their goals of housing stability, and have the necessary support in place to do so.

This is generally a positive process yielding positive outcomes. There are no measures of overcoming, however, measures of related constructs are available that may help quantify the process and its outcome. Below, we elaborate on the empirical referents for categories of the related phenomena of resiliency, hope, define empirical dissertation, self efficacy, and perceived social support on the process of overcoming.

Three categories of case studies are provided to further expand the concept of overcoming. While cases may be invented or found in the literature, those presented here define empirical dissertation from actual examples in our work with homeless families. The model case demonstrates all of the defining attributes of the concept while the borderline case contain most but not all of them.

is a year-old African American woman living in a subsidized apartment in Detroit, Michigan. In Mayshe was nine months pregnant with her second child when her husband physically assaulted her. Within days of becoming homeless, she also reached out to family, but was disappointed by the lack of support and assistance they offered. Quickly realizing that she define empirical dissertation on her own and that any change in her situation would be self-motivated, she applied for emergency define empirical dissertation assistance, found legal aid services, and discovered a variety of community resources aimed at supporting women in similar circumstances.

She did not wait for others to inform her of available assistance programs, but actively engaged in her own rehousing process. Within two months, with the assistance of a service agency geared to supporting homeless families, she and her two children relocated to an apartment and she enrolled in college to become a social worker, determined to build a better life for her sons and herself.

She also continues to attend a weekly program to define empirical dissertation the skills she needs to make this plan a reality and to create and sustain a support network that she deems critical to her ongoing ability to overcome homelessness.

First, our model case participant identified that her living situation was unhealthy and potentially harmful to herself and define empirical dissertation child. While leaving the harmful environment was sudden and unexpected, she was able to locate emergency shelter and then attempted efforts to seek assistance. When her family was unable to provide support and the shelter system revealed itself unprepared to meet the needs of her growing family, she shifted her efforts to other resources in an effort overcome her circumstances.

Her resiliency in the face of repeated barriers allowed her to take action that led to change rather than succumb to inertia. She was able to successfully secure and maintain housing and made additional changes e.

by continuing her education and expanding her life skills with the hope that her life and those of her children would improve. She not define empirical dissertation overcame her own domestic situation but was so well versed in community resources that she was able to offer guidance and encouragement to her peers and serve as an inspiration for their journeys toward overcoming homelessness.

is a year-old Hispanic female who, along with her 8-year-old daughter, was recently rehoused after living define empirical dissertation a homeless shelter for several months.

This is her second episode of homelessness in less than a year and now she is nine months pregnant with her third child from her current boyfriend, who was recently imprisoned. Another child, a 2-year-old son, is currently in medical foster care because of a cardiac condition deemed too complicated to manage while she was sheltered or living temporarily with acquaintances.

Both episodes occurred after a male partner, on whom she was financially dependent, was unable to support her and her children. Though new to the Detroit area when she became homeless this time, C, define empirical dissertation. was highly motivated to find housing and locate available resources so that she could reunite her family. During the process of overcoming homelessness, however, C, define empirical dissertation.

was frustrated to learn that she had to seek out resources for herself. She readily utilized available services but relied on others to direct her toward them and, define empirical dissertation, while her goal of rehousing was achieved and she was reunited with her son, she had no long term plans for maintaining stable housing, was not seeking employment, and was living day-to-day. Once C. was faced with the reality of a homeless shelter and separation from her child, she recognized and acknowledged her own dire circumstances.

She acted upon this by accepting the help offered to her at the shelter and actively participating in rehousing efforts. Still, while her efforts to find housing were successful, she was not engaged in planning for her future to remedy root causes that led to homelessness on two occasions.

Substituting her financial dependency to subsidized resources to abate her current homeless situation, she has not overcome the risk for future episodes. is a year-old African American female living in a Detroit family shelter with her 2 year old son. During the focus group sessions, she did not share the circumstances which led to define empirical dissertation episode define empirical dissertation homelessness but expressed dismay that the local shelter system did not directly aid her in the rehousing process.

She spoke of unsympathetic case workers, cold, filthy sleeping conditions, and strict rules and regulations regarding food and meal times. She was tearful and down-trodden, did not speak of her future housing or employment prospects, and revealed no hope for a brighter future for herself or her child.

This final case reflects an absence of the attributes of overcoming. recognized that she was in an unfortunate situation, but was not able to acknowledge that there was potential for a better circumstance. She spoke in negative terms and was not personally motivated to seek resources or plan for the future. did not believe that she could sustain housing, even when her peers pointed out that they had been successful with similarly limited resources.

In this case, failure to overcome led to a prolonged episode of homelessness, and high risk for recurrence of homelessness in the future. Overcoming is a phenomenon that has yet to be sufficiently studied to provide a base for nursing knowledge. Analysis of the concept overcoming helps nurses design clinical interventions that promote the process, contributing to positive physical, psychosocial, and environmental health outcomes. Nurses working with particular populations, such as the homelesss, may find overcoming and its attributes integral to assessment and intervention.

Clearly, however, this is an area for further clinical research for nursing that can extend to all settings and individuals. A first step toward developing a theory of overcoming is a systematic analysis of the concept. This concept analysis has identified the antecedents, defining attributes, and consequences of overcoming, define empirical dissertation. The next step in the development of the theory of overcoming for nursing is the construction and testing of theoretical relationships between overcoming and outcome variables.

Systematic studies of overcoming, define empirical dissertation, whether quantitative or qualitative, can ultimately enhance nursing science and promote health in individuals and populations served. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. National Library of Medicine Rockville PikeBethesda MDUSA.

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Overcoming: A Concept Analysis

define empirical dissertation

Dissertation Submitted to the Padmashree Dr D. Y. Patil University,Navi An empirical study of () define leadership as the process whereby one individual influences others to willingly and enthusiastically direct their efforts and abilities towards attaining defined group or organisational goals Feb 22,  · Dissertation literature review. If the literature review is part of your dissertation or thesis, reiterate how your research addresses gaps and contributes new knowledge, or discuss how you have drawn on existing theories and methods to build a framework for your research. This can lead directly into your methodology section This article provides an operational definition of overcoming as a first step in the systematic analysis of the concept. Using the method described by Walker and Avant (), the authors identify the attributes and characteristics of overcoming and its theoretical and practical application to cases from clinical research illustrate the concept further

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